You want your car to look good. You want that glossy black paint job to stay flawless and glossy for as long as possible. Because when your car looks good, you feel good driving it. But, how exactly do you go about protecting your car’s paintwork?

Wash The Car Regularly

Try to wash your car at least every one to two weeks. Doing so will not only remove dirt and debris that could cause the paintwork to be compromised, but it will enable you to get a close look at the vehicle. You should then be able to identify any small chips or flaking, and deal with it before it gets out of hand. Just make sure that you use clean soft cloths and brushes. Why? Because if they are contaminated with dirt, grit or sand, you could damage the paintwork when washing or buffing your vehicle. Good car care is the cornerstone to protecting your motor’s paintwork.

Avoid Parking Under Trees

This might sound strange, but when parking, you should try to avoid doing so directly underneath trees. Why? Because birds tend to sit in trees, and as you will probably know, bird droppings are one of the worst substances for car paintwork. That stuff can be seriously corrosive, and if you leave your pride and joy for a long time under a tree, there is a good chance it will get pooped on. 

Not only that, but fruit trees can also cause a problem dropping sticky fruit onto the paintwork too. If you do end up with bird droppings or fruit debris on your car, wash it off immediately and it is less likely to cause a problem.

Car Decals

If you can find a good company that does car wraps and tuning near you, then you might want to consider getting some decals put on your motor. Why? Obviously, decals will cover the paintwork, which means  it is less exposed to the elements, and thus your paint job is less likely to rust. Not only that, but car wraps will also protect against stones chipping the paintwork when they are thrown up into the air while you drive.

Keep It Covered

The more your car is left exposed to the elements and other passing vehicles and people, the more likely it is that the paintwork will get scratched or chipped. So, if you have a garage, be sure to park inside whenever you’re not using it. If you don’t have a garage, then covering your vehicle with a waterproof cover when it’s not in use can go a long way to protecting the paintwork, too.

Protecting your car’s paintwork is not always as easy as it should be. But if you implement some or all of the above ideas, you stand the best possible chance of keeping your ride in pristine condition, on the outside, at least. Furthermore, you know that it’s totally worthwhile because your car will always look great.


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