When you plan to take the road trip of a lifetime in your new car, it is essential that you are prepared for any and all eventualities.

Whether it’s an emergency situation or simply having the right equipment on hand, having the items necessary in advance can make your road trip much more enjoyable. To ensure your journey goes as smoothly as possible, here are some of the essential things you should bring when you’re setting out on a road trip with your new car.

1. First Aid Kit

It is always important to stay safe while travelling, and having a first aid kit handy is one way to do so. Make sure to include basic items such as adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, alcohol swabs, and painkillers. If you are travelling with children, consider bringing additional supplies such as a thermometer and band-aids of various sizes.

2. Spare Tyre

Nothing can ruin a road trip faster than dealing with a flat tyre. So before setting out on your journey, make sure the spare tyre in your new car is in good condition. This will help avoid unnecessary delays and get you back on the road faster should an incident occur while you travel.

3. Car Maintenance Equipment

You never know when you might run into car troubles while on the road, so it is important to have some basic maintenance equipment handy at all times. Essential items include coolant, brake fluid, engine oil and a funnel. These items can help you make quick and easy repairs yourself, saving you time and money.

4. Emergency Kit

In the event of an emergency situation, it is essential to have a few basic items with you in your car at all times. This includes a torch with batteries, jumper cables, an extra phone charger or battery pack, flares or warning triangles, blankets and water bottles.

5. Maps & GPS

Having reliable navigation tools such as maps or a GPS system can be invaluable when travelling in an unknown area. Make sure to bring both physical and electronic maps just in case technology fails while on your road trip. This will help ensure you have a safe and efficient journey.

6. Insurance

Car insurance is essential for any road trip, and it’s important to make sure your policy covers you in case of an emergency or accident. You can also go for short term car insurance if you plan to travel for a short period of time in order to reduce costs.

7. Entertainment Options

Having some form of entertainment options with you during a long road trip can help break up any monotony in between stops or helps pass the time if there’s an unforeseen delay. Consider packing items such as books, playing cards or board games, music, and movies.

Having these essential items with you when you set out on a road trip with your new car will ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

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